How to Begin Trusting the Feminine

Much of my work with clients these days has become about cultivating a healthy relationship and balance between the Masculine and Feminine polarities that exist within us. 

So much of the trauma, the destruction, the suffering that happens in our relationships occurs because of the wounding, repression, or over-compensation in how we give and receive in relating.

How we give and receive love... How we give and receive truth... How we give and receive touch, emotions, and pleasure... 

So many of us have been wounded by both of these polarities, namely because one is trying to exist without, or at the expense of the other.

A male client of mine recently sent me a message, asking how he can begin re-opening to the Feminine within his own body, when his past has shown him that it is not safe to trust the Feminine?

This is the response that I offered him, and it feels relevant to share it here: 

"It begins by looking at the places where you have become resolved in abandoning yourself, your desires, your truths, because of the assumption that it’s simply what you must do, or because that’s just how things are.

Often, when we are violated or treated poorly by those that are closest to us, we’ll cultivate behaviors where we become our own violators, getting into the habit of abdicating our truths/emotions/desires before the person even demonstrates whether or not they are going to go down that familiar path of treating you in ways that don’t feel good.

This is about cleaning up your side of the road, and looking at any places where you are feeding, contributing, or perpetuating a pattern that you are saying you no longer desire.

It begins with recreating trust with yourself incrementally by identifying and shifting the patterns that exist in you that enable (and even encourage) others to treat you poorly.

It’s about being gentle with yourself, kind with yourself, loving with yourself in all the places you withdraw love and affection because you stopped believing you were worthy of it, or didn’t have a model for what it looked like.

One small step at a time, of presence, being with your heart, and creating more space within you to breathe, and feel into who you truly are". 

May we find peace, ease, connection, and clarity, in the places where there have previously only been egg shells and brick walls.

With Love & Devotion to the Process,

Arielle Brown 


The First Step is Trusting How You Feel


Artful Penetration & Expressing Your Desires